Posts Tagged ‘facelift los angeles’

Choosing Between Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation & Facelift

Friday, January 6th, 2012
facial rejuventation beverly hills

With the development of treatments such as BOTOX® Cosmetic and quality skin care products in Los Angeles, patients have a wide range of choices to help with facial rejuvenation. Although these treatments can provide temporary improvement, many patients have a difficult time choosing between nonsurgical facial rejuvenation and a facelift.

A consultation provides the perfect opportunity to discuss a patient’s cosmetic goals and examine the extent of aging on the person’s face. If you notice early signs of aging on your face, such as fine lines and minor wrinkles around the eyebrows, I would typically recommend some combination of BOTOX Cosmetic and dermal fillers. Although temporary, these treatments can create more youthful looking skin and postpone surgery.

Patients with severe wrinkles, or those who have already tried nonsurgical treatments, typically become candidates for a facelift in Los Angeles. The procedure can be easily customized to attain natural looking results. I also offer varying degrees of surgery for women and men who might not need an extensive facelift or other cosmetic surgery procedures.

Many facelift patients return to my practice for follow-up care with nonsurgical treatments. This can enhance the results of a facelift and help maintain smooth skin for a natural and youthful complexion.

Facelift Techniques

Sunday, March 27th, 2011
facelift beverly hills

Throughout the years, plastic surgery has progressed, and new techniques have developed. Depending on the patient, I may use one of several techniques when performing a facelift in Los Angeles.

One technique that I recommend for deep lifting is the SMAS facelift, which stands for superficial musculo-aponeurotic system. This technique concentrates on the thin, underlying connective tissue layer below the skin. By lifting both the muscle and skin, I am able to create a very natural appearance and avoid the “pulled” or windblown look that was associated with facelifts decades ago.

I also perform “mini” facelifts, which are meant for less extreme lifting than the SMAS technique due to the smaller incisions required. With less scarring, less bleeding and a shorter recovery, mini facelifts are a particularly good choice for younger patients.

No matter what technique you are considering, remember an important point: this is your one and only face. Choose wisely when selecting a surgeon and do your homework so that you can be satisfied with your results.