Posts Tagged ‘breast enlargement los angeles’

Why the Breast Implant Pocket is Crucial

Saturday, April 9th, 2011
breast implants beverly hills

Women considering breast enlargement in Los Angeles often ask about where their breast implants will be placed. There are two possible locations: subglandular (over the pectoralis muscle) or submuscular (underneath the pectoralis muscle). The decision depends on several factors.

The breast implant pocket is the space in which the implant will be placed. In my experience, most women tend to choose to have their breast implants placed underneath the muscle. By choosing that location, I can provide them with a more natural appearance, because it reduces any rippling. In addition, placing the implant pocket submuscularly reduces the risk of complications such as capsular contracture, symmastia, and what’s known as “bottoming out.”

Other benefits of placing the implant pocket subglandularly include a quicker and more comfortable recovery, as well as keeping the muscles in place. However, it is important to understand your own body frame and related considerations all need to be considered in the ultimate decision. By placing the breast implant pocket in the ideal location for you, I can ensure a comfortable recovery and beautiful results.

Larger Breasts, Smaller Fat Deposits

Thursday, December 10th, 2009
breast implants beverly hills

The desire for larger, fuller breasts is very common among the women I see at my practice. As a response to the demand for breast enlargement in Los Angeles, a variety of techniques have been developed. Of course, you have your traditional saline or silicone implants, new “gummy bear” implants, and a variety of other methods. And, as a part of the push for new ways to enlarge breasts, some surgeons have been trying fat transfer.

The Procedure

It’s actually pretty simple. Here’s how it works: fat is removed via liposuction from your butt, thighs, or other areas with excess fat deposits. That fat is then purified before being injected into your breasts.

The Facts

Sure, the thought of “natural” breast enlargement sounds appealing, but is it too good to be true? The truth is:

  • The technique has been used with relative success after a breast lift or breast reconstruction or in conjunction with breast implants to provide a fuller, more natural appearance.
  • A study that used fat transfer as the primary method of breast augmentation showed that women only saw a very slight increase in breast volume.
  • The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) currently does not endorse this breast enlargement technique and is awaiting results from additional studies before reconsidering their position on the procedure.

The Future

I don’t want to completely rule out future potential for the use of fat transfer for breast augmentation. But, the fact remains that there are a lot of things to get sorted out before this technique enjoys widespread application, such as whether or not fat transfer could affect the results of mammograms, whether or not injected fat will actually survive the transfer, and if the injection of fat cells could actually encourage the growth of cancer cells.

There’s a lot to be said for the use of traditional breast enlargement methods. After all, my patients are thrilled with the beauty of their results from breast augmentation with implants.