5 Ways to Avoid Pain after Surgery

March 22, 2011
Pain management Beverly hills

Even with modern techniques and technology, some degree of discomfort will occur following most Los Angeles plastic surgery procedures. Tolerance of discomfort differs from patient to patient, and also depends on the type of surgery performed. Although it is an unavoidable aspect of plastic surgery, there are steps that you can take to ensure that you will feel as comfortable as possible after your procedure.

  1. Walk around. Begin walking around as soon as you receive clearance from your plastic surgeon to do so. Being mobile helps your circulation.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. It is common to be dehydrated after a surgical procedure. Drink water, soup, or fluids to replace electrolytes after your surgery as instructed so your body is ready to take care of itself.
  3. Get enough sleep. Making sure you are getting the proper amount of sleep each night will help your body recover quickly.
  4. Take any prescription as indicated. Many pain medications contain anti-inflammatory agents to reduce swelling, which can help tissue repair particularly during the first few days after surgery.
  5. Alert your doctor about any allergies. Talk with your doctor before your procedure about any medicines you may be allergic to. Also, be sure to closely follow all post-surgical instructions your doctor provides.
