Can Breast Reduction Catch Breast Cancer?

December 7, 2009
breast reduction Beverly Hills

There are many reasons why women consider Los Angeles breast enhancement procedures. In the case of breast reduction, these reasons may include back, neck or should pain, self-consciousness, and the inability to participate in physical activity without discomfort. The improvements made with breast reduction surgery can be vast and wide-ranging, giving many women better quality of life.

And there’s something new for women with overly large breasts to consider, something that could be the extra incentive they need to choose breast reduction. A new study presented at Plastic Surgery 2009 indicates that the testing of tissue removed during breast reduction can lead to increased breast cancer detection, especially for women over 40.

Breast reduction is not, by nature, a breast cancer treatment. But, here’s where it can help:

  • One of the key factors for breast cancer survival rates is early detection. Testing of breast tissue removed through breast reduction may catch cancerous or precancerous cells that might otherwise have gone undetected. This, in turn, can lead to earlier treatment before the cancer has become more advanced.
  • Additionally, breast reduction may make mammograms easier to read and interpret because there is less excess breast tissue.

To learn more about whether you are a candidate for breast reduction and about the potential for breast cancer detection, you should schedule a personal consultation with a qualified Los Angeles plastic surgeon.

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